
With the <dl8-img> element you can display panoramic images in lots of different formats in VR as well as on desktop and mobile. The <dl8-img> element works much like any normal img tag. You mainly need to specify the src attribute and a format and you’re ready to go.

 <dl8-img src="image.png" poster="poster.jpg" title="Example Image 1"
          author="John Doe" format="STEREO_360_TB">
 <dl8-img src-left="lefteye.jpg" src-right="righteye.jpg" poster="poster.jpg"
          title="Example Image 2" author="Jane Doe" format="STEREO_CUBEMAP">

{src|src-left|src-right}="<uri>" [mandatory]

The image src URI to use. You can optionally provide src-left and src-right to separately define the image for each eye in VR.

format="<string>" [mandatory]

Defines the mono or stereo format the image is provided in. Delight VR supports all common stereo/mono 360/180 equirectangular and spherical formats.

  • STEREO_180_LR: A 180 degree stereo equirectangular mapping, left and right eye being side by side.
  • STEREO_180_LR_SPHERICAL: A 180 degree stereo spherical mapping, left and right eye being side by side.
  • STEREO_180_TB: A 180 degree stereo equirectangular mapping, left and right eye being on top and bottom respectively.
  • STEREO_180_TB_SPHERICAL: A 180 degree stereo spherical mapping, left and right eye being on top and bottom respectively.
  • STEREO_360_TB: A 360 degree stereo equirectangular mapping, left and right eye being on top and bottom respectively.
  • STEREO_360_LR: A 360 degree stereo equirectangular mapping, left and right eye being side by side.
  • MONO_360: A 360 degree mono equirectangular mapping.
  • STEREO_CUBEMAP: A 360 degree stereo cubemap. 6 sides horizontally for each eye. Please provide src-left and src-right for this format. This format is commonly exported from OctaneVR renderer.
  • CARDBOARD_PHOTO: A photo taken with the Cardboard Camera App. This is typically a 360° equirectangular jpg with the left eye as the base image data and the right eye encoded in metadata.